Expanding Presence

Renewal, delight, and spaciousness await.

March 2 - 9, 2024

Reconnect with your wise, courageous, radiant self.

Welcome adventurous women! You are warmly invited to join a restorative, spirit-filled journey along the shores of Lake Atitlán.

From awe-inspiring vistas to a lovingly crafted itinerary, this all inclusive retreat is designed to re-awaken a vibrant, alive part of yourself. 

  • Experience the joyful connection that emerges when women gather with the intention to witness themselves and receive from one another.

  • Uncover your wholeness through twice daily sessions inspired by yoga and movement, guided self-reflection, and creative expression.

  • Open yourself to wonder with excursions to lakeside villages, classes led by women in the community, and ceremonies grounded in traditional Maya wisdom. 

  • Tend to yourself in a gentle, unhurried way with abundant time outside, delicious meals, and a rhythm of rest and renewal.

The natural setting of Lake Atitlan is as much as part of your retreat experience as the retreat itself. It's here - surrounded by beauty and goodness - that you’ll tune into your own deep knowing, connect with other amazing women, soak in the wonder of the natural world, and give voice to what’s calling you into your future.

Our days will be filled with movement, adventure, laughter, stillness, care, and celebration. Throughout our time together, the energy of wonder and presence will guide our explorations and invite us to expand our capacity for connection and delight.

Each aspect of the retreat is an invitation to be ever more present to the sacredness around you and to what is moving through you.

Retreat highlights:

  • Daily gentle yoga and movement sessions to experience freedom and joy in your body

  • Creative prompts, reflective writing, guided meditations and circles of connection to gently open us to our wholeness

  • Visits to two communities to expand our sense of place and witness the wisdom and creativity of the local women

  • A Maya fire ceremony, a temazcal experience, and our own rituals to cultivate reverence for our journey.

  • An on-site pool, hot tub and sauna, plus plenty of hammocks and comfy spaces for us to relax and take in the natural beauty of our retreat center

  • Shared connection, conversation, and celebration among our group of kind-hearted women

  • Intentionally scheduled free time to play, explore, and integrate at your own pace

  • Continued community to help you keep listening to what wants to be expressed after the retreat.

Delight in the wonder within and around you.

The retreat experience

Take exquisite care of yourself and experience deep connection with women who lift your heart.

Listen to what delights you

Our journey weaves together the nourishing power of community and ample downtime for you to to listen the whispers of your soul.

On this retreat, explore the natural rhythm of your being. For some this might mean taking advantage of every activity and excursion offered, and for others it might look like a slower, more personally curated week. Listen deeply to yourself and move through the week in ways that express your inherent joy and freedom.

“Go without hesitation if
the energy of arriving in a new place,
the desire to be astonished,
the quiet pull of stillness,
the thrill of daily explorations, and
the inspiration inherent in a glorious group of women
all feed your spirit.”

-Retreat Participant

Let this entire journey be an invitation.

Stretch beyond what you have known and experience the fullness of who you truly are.

    • All days begin gently with time to “be” — journal, meditate, practice yoga together.

    • Each day includes both movement offerings (slow flow yoga, mindful walks, or dance) and offerings to spark your creativity and your knowing.

    • All days intentionally include plenty of free time so that you can relax and feel restored.

    • Each day has a theme and all of the cultural, creative, and contemplative activities reflect the focus for the day.

    • All days include delicious meals that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Breakfast is at 8:30am, lunch is at 1:00pm, and dinner is at 6:30pm.

    • Most days include excursions to other villages and/or ceremonials to ground and expand our experience.

    To get a sense of the flow of the retreat, you can check out the Itinerary.

  • Whatever your prior experience is with yoga, writing, meditation, creativity, or movement, you will feel nurtured and rejuvenated by what’s offered during our time together. Everything is designed to be savored with attentive curiosity and adapted to what is right for your body and spirit.

    On this retreat, simple, creative activities, guided movement, and contemplative writing prompts all become ways to open us to possibilities. We will not be making beautiful products or doing “art” nor will we focused on improving yoga postures or writing techniques. Rather, we’ll be using these activities as avenues to explore our being and our voice, trusting that each offering is an invitation to be ever more present to the world around us and what’s stirring within.

  • We’ll tune into the language of place. Guatemala’s majestic volcanoes, expansive waters, lush gardens, rugged paths, and Maya traditions all become teachers on this journey.

    We’ll witness the wisdom of the local community. We will participate in a fire ceremony with a Mayan Day Keeper, visit with a woman who weaves traditional textiles, take a cooking class, and tour a village where life-size murals depict scenes from daily life. We’ll also experience the sensory wonder of a sweat lodge ritual.

  • You might want to swim in the lake, stroll into town for some sightseeing, indulge in a spa treatment, go on a hike, rent a kayak, hang out in your hammock, soak in the hot tub, take a nap, journal or read on your private patio, enjoy a smoothie or a cocktail by the pool, venture off with a few friends, or sit on the dock and breathe in the beauty and ease of Lake Atitlán. If you are super-adventurous, you could even go cliff jumping!

  • All of the activities, accommodations, excursions, and reflective prompts become invitations for you be more fully yourself. You’ll bring back:
    Awe, reverence, and gratefulness for your own being.
    Wonder at the beauty and goodness of the world.
    Trust in the fullness of yourself and your path.
    New ways to express your vibrant spirit.

  • How often do we return from retreats or other powerful experiences with lots of insights and good intentions, and then fall back into daily patterns that make it challenging to even remember the gifts of the journey?

    This retreat will be a little different.

    During the two months following our time in Guatemala, you’ll be supported as you integrate the wisdom and insights you gathered during the retreat. You’ll receive tools to explore how your time away can inspire and inform your way forward, and you’ll also have the support of our community of kindred spirits.

“Year after year, Guatemala inspires me, surprises me, humbles me, and delights me.”

Your host

Kristin DeVoe-Talluto

Kristin guides from the heart, holding space for spirit and possibility. She offers journeys of discovery that invite people to see their own beauty, explore their soul's path, take their next steps, and inspire the world with what they are here to do. With over 20 years of designing transformational experiences for individuals, groups, and organizations, Kristin weaves her background in education, coaching and consulting with her passion for travel to create experiences that allow people to expand their vision of themselves, others, and the world

Kristin first visited Guatemala 15 years ago, and since then she has brought many groups to the Lake Atitlan area for retreats and service adventures.
More about Kristin >

Everything has been lovingly planned for you.

Imagine traveling to someplace stunning and not having to arrange a thing!

Lake Atitlan has a unique sacredness that awakens my heart, and I love sharing its magnificence with others. Over the years, I’ve brought many groups to Lake Atitlan, and Expanding Presence takes place at one of my favorite spots along the lake. You can relax and savor the experience, knowing that you’ll be in good hands.

Location: Villa Sumaya Retreat Center in Santa Cruz La Laguna, Guatemala.
Dates: March 2 - 9, 2024
Rates: $2395 - $3100. Inclusive of:

  • 8 days and 7 nights of accommodations

  • All gatherings, classes, cultural activities, ceremonies, and excursions

  • All transportation during the retreat

  • Three vegetarian meals each day, plus unlimited coffee, tea, and filtered water

  • Beautifully designed guides and tools

  • Continued connection when we return home


Play, rest, and explore at an award-winning retreat center.

Where we will stay

Villa Sumaya Retreat Center is on the shores of Lake Atitlan in the heart of the Guatemalan highlands. 'Sumaya' means "long-awaited dream" in Sanskrit and  "a little piece of paradise" in Arabic, and it is here, in this paradise, where we will play and explore together.

Featured in Yoga Journal and Taschen’s Great Yoga Retreats, the center is known for its exotic, thatch-roofed complexes, elegantly-decorated rooms, patios with stunning views, and four gorgeous practice studios. Villa Sumaya’s lush grounds contain hammocks, tropical flora, medicinal herbs and organic vegetable gardens. There is also a cafe, juice bar, healing spa, hot tub, sauna, boutique and plenty of cozy common areas.

“My room brought tears to my eyes upon entering it. The view, the colors of the waters and volcanoes, colors of the room, grandness and coziness of the suite, all were overwhelming...the perfect atmosphere for a retreat.”

-Retreat Participant


Each of Villa Sumaya’s rooms, bungalows and suites is unique, and all have private bathrooms, outdoor patios or balconies, stunning decor, comfortable beds and fantastic views of the lake or the garden. Private accommodations are included in the retreat fee, and limited shared rooms are available for friends who want to travel together.  As part of the registration process, you’ll review the accommodation options and select the room that best meets your needs for this retreat.


We’ll enjoy delicious vegetarian meals three times each day. Breakfast buffets include a main dish, granola, yogurt, fruit and daily specials. Luncheon buffets include a hearty vegetarian main course, organic greens, homemade bread and a local fruit platter. Dinner buffets include soup, vegetarian entrée, seasonal side dishes, organic greens and a scrumptious dessert. Guests may enjoy unlimited tea, coffee, and filtered water throughout their stay.  Participants may purchase juices, smoothies, local beers, wine, and some cocktails. Fish and chicken options are offered during lunch and dinner for an additional $8/portion. If you have specific dietary restrictions or food allergies, please reach out before registering so we can be sure the kitchen will be able to accommodate your needs.


Villa Sumaya’s on-site Harmony Spa offers an array of holistic services including: massage, energy work, acupuncture, wellness counseling, Ayurvedic treatments, Western and Mayan astrological readings and more. If you would like to enhance your retreat with a treatment, you will have the option of booking an appointment with one of the gifted therapists on staff when we arrive at Villa Sumaya.

The journey

Savor beauty, nurture play, and return home with a little more openness and love.


This is an all inclusive experience, and pricing for your retreat package is based upon your room selection. By design, your retreat experience includes a private room; however, if you’d prefer to register and room with a friend, a few shared rooms are available.

Retreat Pricing:

MAYA ROSE ROOM - $2395*/$2695
PANORAMIC SUITES - $2995 - $3100

*Save $300 when you sign up and room with a friend in a Maya Rose room.


The retreat will be held March 2 - 9, 2024.  Please plan to arrive in Guatemala on March 1st and depart after 6pm on March 9 or anytime on March 10th. We’ll stay eight days and seven nights at Villa Sumaya. You’ll receive suggestions for booking your own pre-retreat accommodations in Antigua on March 1st, and post-retreat options close to the airport in Guatemala City for the evening of March 9th.


A non-refundable deposit of $650 will hold your space. The retreat balance is due by February 9th. Please review our cancellation and refund polices found in the Participant Agreement for the retreat.

  • The airport is La Aurora International Airport (GUA) in Guatemala City. 

    The retreat begins at 4:30pm on March 2nd and ends at 11:00am on March 9th. You are encouraged to arrive in Guatemala on Friday, March 1st to give yourself some time to settle in. Please schedule your departure flight after 6:00pm on March 9th or anytime on March 10th.

    US, Canadian and European Union citizens will receive a 90-day tourist visa upon entering the country. No preliminary arrangements are necessary. If you are visiting from another region, please check your country’s visa requirements.

  • To ease your arrival, airport transfer on Friday, March 1st to your hotel in Antigua or Guatemala City is included in the retreat fee. On Saturday morning, March 2nd, you’ll be picked up at your hotel and we’ll travel as a group to Lake Atitlan. The retreat center is just under three hours from Antigua, plus a 15 minute boat ride. When the retreat ends on March 9th, transportation to the airport or to your hotel in Antigua or one of the recommended hotels Guatemala City is included at no additional charge.

    • Travel expenses including international airfare, obtaining or renewing a passport, medical services, trip cancellation insurance.

    • Extras: alcoholic beverages, laundry services, fish or chicken at lunch or dinner, and any privately arranged activities, transportation and meals not taken with the group.

    • Spa services at Villa Sumaya’s Harmony Spa.

    • Gratuities for the staff at Villa Sumaya. Participants are encouraged to consider offering $7-$10 per day which will be pooled and shared among the entire staff--from the gardeners (who carry your bags) to the cooks, servers, local managers, and housekeepers who make our stay so enjoyable

  • A portion of your retreat fees includes a donation to the Mayan Mothers’ Food Fund, an initiative that allows women to select their own fresh vegetables and fruit each week. Our retreat activities will also support the work of Amigos de Santa Cruz / CECAP.

    • As with any travel, it’s strongly recommended that you buy trip insurance.

    • Guatemala is a beautiful country, and you may wish to extend your experience by arriving early or staying later. If your travel schedule does not allow you to take the group shuttle on March 2, you’ll receive information on how you can easily arrange your own transportation to the retreat center.

    • You’re encouraged to preview the Participant Agreement as you will need to accept the Agreement as part of the registration process.

    • The retreat is designed to gently and lovingly support and nurture a wide range of movement, meditation, and creative backgrounds. However, there is a certain rigor inherent in the landscape and the travel, and you must be in good physical and mental health to participate in this retreat.

    • The only way to access Villa Sumaya is by water taxi so you will need to be able to get in and out of a boat.

  • This retreat resonates with open-hearted, resilient women who are drawn to adventure and have curiosity about their inner and outer worlds.  On previous retreats in Guatemala, our community has included women ages 17-77! If you have concerns about your physical capacity for a movement class, or about walking up and down stairs, or getting on and off the boat taxis, I invite you read through these Common Questions and then get in touch. I’d be happy to talk with you about what you can expect.

  • I want you to feel comfortable, confident and excited about your time in Guatemala and so you’ll find lots of additional information about the retreat on the accommodations page, the retreat itinerary description, and the Common Questions.  If you have additional questions, please reach out. 

  • I’m so excited that this retreat resonates for you!

    Registration is easy. Head over to my registration platform on WeTravel where you’ll select your room, answer a few booking questions and pay the deposit.

    I can’t wait to welcome you on this retreat!

An invitation for those who are intrigued but know this retreat is not right for them.

If reading about this retreat or seeing these images kindles any sort of longing in you, I invite you to get curious about what you are feeling. Check in with yourself and ask to be shown what you need. Explore where you’d like to awaken delight, spaciousness, and/or connection in your life, and then take one small step toward that which is calling you. You don’t have to go to Guatemala to create your own journey of discovery.