Participant Agreement

Thank you for your interest in this See Deeply retreat. Please familiarize yourself with our Terms and Conditions of Travel and the Assumption of Risk, Release of Liability, and Indemnification Agreement. Together these make up the Participant Agreement.  If you have any questions, please let me know. 


Expanding Presence: Guatemala Retreat
March 2, 2024 - March 9, 2024

NOTE: Please read this entire agreement carefully before signing. This document informs you about your responsibilities and assumption of risks, and includes a release of liability, indemnification and surrender of certain legal rights. By registering and paying your deposit for a Retreat, you are entering into this Participant Agreement with See Deeply.



To hold your space on this See Deeply Retreat you must make a room selection, answer a few brief questions, and pay your non-refundable deposit of $650. The final payment for your retreat balance is due December 2, 2023. If you register for the retreat after December 2, 2023, the full amount is due within 21 days of making your deposit. All payments made toward the retreat are non-refundable.


If you need to cancel, please inform See Deeply in writing.

Until February 1, 2024, the retreat payment may be transferred to another person that you recruit without penalty.


See Deeply reserves the right to cancel the Retreat if there are insufficient registrations. A full refund of any and all payments made to See Deeply will be granted for canceled trips due to insufficient registrations, though See Deeply is not responsible for other costs incurred by participants preparing for the trip.  You will not be entitled to claim additional amounts or seek any compensation for any injury loss, expenses or damage (direct or consequential) for any loss of time or inconvenience with may result from such cancellation (including but not limited to flight, passport, visa, hotel, and medical costs). See Deeply strongly recommends you have travel insurance. 


The stated itinerary accurately describes the intention of the program and serves to guide the flow of activities throughout the Retreat. However, it can be assumed that See Deeply will revise the schedule to meet the needs of the group, the needs of the local communities, the weather, and other changing conditions.

If the designated Retreat leader is unable to lead the trip for any reason, See Deeply, at their discretion, will enlist another leader of substantially similar qualifications to lead the Retreat.

In the event of any change, delay, postponement, or cancellation, you acknowledge that you will have no right to claim compensation for any injury, loss or damage or expenses incurred by you. 

If flight cancellations and/or travel delays prevent you from accessing lodging, meals, and/or transportation included in the retreat, See Deeply will do its best to help you make arrangements to join the group after your delay; however, we are not responsible for any additional costs incurred when your lodging, meals and/or transportation must be re-booked. If these types of additional travel arrangements are required, you agree to pay up front for these service or be billed separately at the end of the retreat.


See Deeply strongly recommends the purchase of travel insurance. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are adequately insured for the full duration of the Retreat with respect to illness, injury, death, loss of personal items, curtailment and cancellation. ​It is your responsibility to understand the limitations of your medical and evacuation policy, and pay upfront for emergency services when required.

In order to guarantee maximum coverage, most travel insurance providers require that you obtain a policy within 7-10 days of placing your initial deposit.


The Retreat provides opportunities for physical challenge in the natural world, and you must be in good physical and mental health to join the Retreat. By submitting your Retreat deposit, you acknowledge that you have the requisite skills, qualifications, physical and mental ability, and training necessary to properly and safely participate in the Retreat. 

You understand that the Retreat takes place in a remote location, several hours from medical facilities, which may cause potential delays in communication, transportation, evacuation and medical care. If a medical situation arises, See Deeply may attempt to help you seek medical treatment; however, we hold no liability regarding provision of medical services and such medical care shall be deemed to be an Activity of the Retreat (see below for the definition of an Activity). You understand that you are responsible for all related costs of medical treatment, including transportation and evacuation. You further understand that you are responsible for co-pays and/or any other remaining balances that your insurance has not covered.


It is your responsibility to ensure that the information on your travel documents is correct and that you have all the proper documents required for travel.  Participants must have a passport that is valid for six months after the trip departure date. See Deeply is not responsible for any delays or cancellations that might result in lack of proper travel documents. 


You understand that See Deeply acts only as an agent in securing accommodations, transportation, sightseeing, and other travel services and in no event shall See Deeply be liable or responsible for any acts of omission by any third party, including but not limited to third party contractors, suppliers and vendors who render services in connection to the program.


If See Deeply is prevented (directly or indirectly) from performing any of their obligations under this agreement by acts of God, weather, floods, earthquakes, strikes, trade disputes, fire, breakdowns, interruption of transport, government or political action, acts of war or terrorism, acts or omissions of a third party or for any other cause whatsoever outside See Deeply’s reasonable control, See Deeply will be under no liability whatsoever to you and may cancel or modify the Retreat.  


You give consent for any photographs or audio/video recordings of you and your work, taken during your participation on this Retreat to be used for any publicity or promotional materials, both online and in print, and you waive any right of privacy, publicity, compensation, copyright or other rights to those images . If you prefer your image not to be used, please notify See Deeply in writing prior to the start of the Retreat.


I, the person whose name is listed at the end of this document under "Participant's Name", acknowledge that I will be joining See Deeply, LLC (See Deeply) in Guatemala between March 2, 2024 through March 9, 2024 to participate in the Retreat and other related activities (each an "Activity" together "Retreat"). In consideration for participation in the Retreat, I agree to the following:

I understand that this agreement (including the exclusion of liability) binds me and I warrant that I have authority to enter into this agreement. In particular, I warrant that I have the authority to give the releases and indemnities set out in this agreement. I understand that references in this agreement to See Deeply, includes (where the context permits) the members, agents, directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, and volunteers of See Deeply, and the Retreat organizers, hosts, leaders, and the owners or operators of any Retreat equipment provided (together Releasees) and this agreement (including exclusions from liability) applies to their benefit to the extent permissible under law.


I understand that the Retreat by its nature involves certain inherent and other risks, hazards and dangers that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. The following describes some, but not all of those risks, hazards and dangers. The Retreat may include risks associated with activities such yoga, walking, hiking, swimming, decision-making, and transport, and risks associated with the host country’s standards of health care, hygiene, safety, accommodations, road conditions, infrastructure, animal regulations, and service provisions.

I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for determining my suitability to participate in the Retreat.

I choose to voluntarily participate and observe the Retreat despite all risks. I assume all inherent and other risks and accept responsibility for any property damage and loss, and for any personal injury, illness, disability, emotional distress, personal trauma, and death that I may suffer, whether described above or not.


I hereby release, waive, discharge, and hold harmless See Deeply from any and all rights for claims and damages that I may have against See Deeply in any manner due to any personal injury, up to and including death, or property loss sustained by me as a result of traveling to or participating in the Retreat. I agree not to sue See Deeply or any of the Releasees for any and all liability or claims I may have for any property damage and loss, personal injury, emotional distress, personal trauma, illness, disability, and death, related to my participation in the Retreat, travel to or from the Retreat, participation in Retreat Activities, or use of any equipment or facilities. This release expressly includes claims of negligence against See Deeply, along with any other type of claim, including tort, breach of contract, fraud, or any other type of claim alleged. This release expressly does not include claims based on intentional misconduct or gross negligence. I understand that by signing this agreement I am releasing claims and giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue. 


I agree to defend, indemnify (meaning to pay or reimburse any amount required to be paid, including reasonable attorneys fees) and hold See Deeply, LLC harmless from all claims, causes of action, liability, losses, or damages for any property damage, property loss or theft, personal injury, disability, death or other loss threatened or actually brought by or on behalf of me, a family member, my estate, another participant or spectator, or any other person arising from or relating to my participation in the Retreat, including claims that See Deeply, LLC was negligent. I will not indemnify See Deeply for claims based on intentional misconduct and/or gross negligence that substantially succeed on their merits. I understand that this indemnification applies to any person under my legal care.

I agree to present any claims against See Deeply within ninety (90) days after the Retreat ends and to file any suit within one (1) year of the incident, and I acknowledge that this expressly limits the applicable statute of limitations to one (1) year. In lieu of litigation and jury trials, each of which is expressly waived, any dispute concerning, relating or referring to this Participation Agreement or the Retreat shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration in Chittenden County, Vermont, according to the then existing commercial rules of the American Arbitration Association. Such proceeding will be governed by the substantive law of the State of Vermont. The arbitrator(s) and not any federal, state, or local court or agency shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability, conscionability, or formation of this Participant Agreement, including but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this Participant Agreement is void or voidable. Any portion of this Agreement deemed unlawful or unenforceable is severable and shall be stricken without effect on the enforceability of the remaining provisions. 

I have read this Agreement, I understand its contents and I sign it voluntarily. I have had an opportunity to ask questions about this Agreement, and to consult an attorney if I think it necessary. I intend by this Agreement to assume all hazards and risks, waive all rights to sue and release all liabilities and claims, and indemnify See Deeply, LLC for any claims arising from my participation in the Retreat. I understand that this Agreement has no expiration date and it is my express intent that this Agreement be binding on myself and my family members, my heirs, assigns, executors, representatives, estate.

"I will carry this journey in my heart for many years to come."​

- Retreat Participant