Join the journey


I am thrilled that you have decided to join this retreat. There are three steps to register:

  1. Complete the booking form below. Your responses will help me get to know you a little better. After you submit the form, you’ll be taken to the Participant Agreement.

  2. Sign the liability waiver, aka the Participant Agreement. Submitting this will take you to the check out page.

  3. Select your room and pay your deposit. After you submit payment, check your inbox for a receipt and a welcome email.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

With delight for what’s to come,


Step 1 of 3:
Complete and submit the booking form.

Please take a few minutes to connect with whatever is calling you on this journey. As you answer the questions below, I encourage you to move through the prompts quickly — don’t overthnk anything, just share who you are and what’s most alive for you now.